Pink, Like That


Pink, Like That

Pink is powerful.  Shout pink from the roof tops.

Pink in baby blanket, pacifier, Daddy’s Little Girl t-shirt.

Pink in Easter dress and strawberry pink icing on birthday cake.

Little girl pink who wants to grow up and wear everything but pink.

Pink as in, the only pink is the hidden away pink,

closed off and secretive but not concealed completely pink.

Then there are sunrises and sunsets strewn with pink

and there are pink heartbreaks and pink cheeks riotous from tears.

Pink breaks into your life when you least expect it

because pink is strong, ever so much stronger than you.

Pink whispers to put away the things of childhood and be a woman.

Walks along pale pink beaches washed in fading pink light

will give way to love in a moment that is perfect.

But that is the way pink is, powerful, like that.


Brenda Bishop Blakey


Poem inspired by the amazing Asemic Art from Jim Wittenberg and posted herein with his permission:
